Callback Hell

Chapter Goals

In this chapter, we will see how the tools we have seen so far - namely monad transformers and applicative functors - can be put to use to solve real-world problems. In particular, we will see how we can solve the problem of callback hell.

Project Setup

The source code for this chapter can be compiled and run using spago run. It is also necessary to install the request module using NPM:

npm install

The Problem

Asynchronous code in JavaScript typically uses callbacks to structure program flow. For example, to read text from a file, the preferred approach is to use the readFile function and to pass a callback - a function that will be called when the text is available:

function readText(onSuccess, onFailure) {
  var fs = require('fs');
  fs.readFile('file1.txt', { encoding: 'utf-8' }, function (error, data) {
    if (error) {
    } else {

However, if multiple asynchronous operations are involved, this can quickly lead to nested callbacks, which can result in code which is difficult to read:

function copyFile(onSuccess, onFailure) {
  var fs = require('fs');
  fs.readFile('file1.txt', { encoding: 'utf-8' }, function (error, data1) {
    if (error) {
    } else {
      fs.writeFile('file2.txt', data, { encoding: 'utf-8' }, function (error) {
        if (error) {
        } else {

One solution to this problem is to break out individual asynchronous calls into their own functions:

function writeCopy(data, onSuccess, onFailure) {
  var fs = require('fs');
  fs.writeFile('file2.txt', data, { encoding: 'utf-8' }, function (error) {
    if (error) {
    } else {

function copyFile(onSuccess, onFailure) {
  var fs = require('fs');
  fs.readFile('file1.txt', { encoding: 'utf-8' }, function (error, data) {
    if (error) {
    } else {
      writeCopy(data, onSuccess, onFailure);

This solution works but has some issues:

  • It is necessary to pass intermediate results to asynchronous functions as function arguments, in the same way that we passed data to writeCopy above. This is fine for small functions, but if there are many callbacks involved, the data dependencies can become complex, resulting in many additional function arguments.
  • There is a common pattern - the callbacks onSuccess and onFailure are usually specified as arguments to every asynchronous function - but this pattern has to be documented in module documentation which accompanies the source code. It is better to capture this pattern in the type system, and to use the type system to enforce its use.

Next, we will see how to use the techniques we have learned so far to solve these issues.

The Continuation Monad

Let's translate the copyFile example above into PureScript by using the FFI. In doing so, the structure of the computation will become apparent, and we will be led naturally to a monad transformer which is defined in the transformers package - the continuation monad transformer ContT.

Note: in practice, it is not necessary to write these functions by hand every time. Asynchronous file IO functions can be found in the node-fs and node-fs-aff libraries.

First, we need to gives types to readFile and writeFile using the FFI. Let's start by defining some type synonyms, and a new effect for file IO:

foreign import data FS :: Effect

type ErrorCode = String
type FilePath = String

readFile takes a filename and a callback which takes two arguments. If the file was read successfully, the second argument will contain the file contents, and if not, the first argument will be used to indicate the error.

In our case, we will wrap readFile with a function which takes two callbacks: an error callback (onFailure) and a result callback (onSuccess), much like we did with copyFile and writeCopy above. Using the multiple-argument function support from Data.Function for simplicity, our wrapped function readFileImpl might look like this:

foreign import readFileImpl
  :: forall eff
   . Fn3 FilePath
         (String -> Eff (fs :: FS | eff) Unit)
         (ErrorCode -> Eff (fs :: FS | eff) Unit)
         (Eff (fs :: FS | eff) Unit)

In the foreign JavaScript module, readFileImpl would be defined as:

exports.readFileImpl = function(path, onSuccess, onFailure) {
  return function() {
    require('fs').readFile(path, {
      encoding: 'utf-8'
    }, function(error, data) {
      if (error) {
      } else {

This type signature indicates that readFileImpl takes three arguments: a file path, a success callback and an error callback, and returns an effectful computation which returns an empty (Unit) result. Notice that the callbacks themselves are given types which use the Eff monad to track their effects.

You should try to understand why this implementation has the correct runtime representation for its type.

writeFileImpl is very similar - it is different only in that the file content is passed to the function itself, not to the callback. Its implementation looks like this:

foreign import writeFileImpl
  :: forall eff
   . Fn4 FilePath
         (Eff (fs :: FS | eff) Unit)
         (ErrorCode -> Eff (fs :: FS | eff) Unit)
         (Eff (fs :: FS | eff) Unit)
exports.writeFileImpl = function(path, data, onSuccess, onFailure) {
  return function() {
    require('fs').writeFile(path, data, {
      encoding: 'utf-8'
    }, function(error) {
      if (error) {
      } else {

Given these FFI declarations, we can write the implementations of readFile and writeFile. These will use the Data.Function.Uncurried module to turn the multiple-argument FFI bindings into regular (curried) PureScript functions, and therefore have slightly more readable types.

In addition, instead of requiring two callbacks, one for successes and one for failures, we can require only a single callback which responds to either successes or failures. That is, the new callback takes a value in the Either ErrorCode monad as its argument:

  :: forall eff
   . FilePath
  -> (Either ErrorCode String -> Eff (fs :: FS | eff) Unit)
  -> Eff (fs :: FS | eff) Unit
readFile path k =
  runFn3 readFileImpl
         (k <<< Right)
         (k <<< Left)

  :: forall eff
   . FilePath
  -> String
  -> (Either ErrorCode Unit -> Eff (fs :: FS | eff) Unit)
  -> Eff (fs :: FS | eff) Unit
writeFile path text k =
  runFn4 writeFileImpl
         (k $ Right unit)
         (k <<< Left)

Now we can spot an important pattern. Each of these functions takes a callback which returns a value in some monad (in this case Eff (fs :: FS | eff)) and returns a value in the same monad. This means that when the first callback returns a result, that monad can be used to bind the result to the input of the next asynchronous function. In fact, that's exactly what we did by hand in the copyFile example.

This is the basis of the continuation monad transformer, which is defined in the Control.Monad.Cont.Trans module in transformers.

ContT is defined as a newtype as follows:

newtype ContT r m a = ContT ((a -> m r) -> m r)

A continuation is just another name for a callback. A continuation captures the remainder of a computation - in our case, what happens after a result has been provided after an asynchronous call.

The argument to the ContT data constructor looks remarkably similar to the types of readFile and writeFile. In fact, if we take the type a to be the type Either ErrorCode String, r to be Unit and m to be the monad Eff (fs :: FS | eff), we recover the right-hand side of the type of readFile.

This motivates the following type synonym, defining an Async monad, which we will use to compose asynchronous actions like readFile and writeFile:

type Async eff = ContT Unit (Eff eff)

For our purposes, we will always use ContT to transform the Eff monad, and the type r will always be Unit, but this is not required.

We can treat readFile and writeFile as computations in the Async monad, by simply applying the ContT data constructor:

  :: forall eff
   . FilePath
  -> Async (fs :: FS | eff) (Either ErrorCode String)
readFileCont path = ContT $ readFile path

  :: forall eff
   . FilePath
  -> String
  -> Async (fs :: FS | eff) (Either ErrorCode Unit)
writeFileCont path text = ContT $ writeFile path text

With that, we can write our copy-file routine by simply using do notation for the ContT monad transformer:

  :: forall eff
   . FilePath
  -> FilePath
  -> Async (fs :: FS | eff) (Either ErrorCode Unit)
copyFileCont src dest = do
  e <- readFileCont src
  case e of
    Left err -> pure $ Left err
    Right content -> writeFileCont dest content

Note how the asynchronous nature of readFileCont is hidden by the monadic bind expressed using do notation - this looks just like synchronous code, but the ContT monad is taking care of wiring our asynchronous functions together.

We can run this computation using the runContT handler by providing a continuation. The continuation represents what to do next, i.e. what to do when the asynchronous copy-file routine completes. For our simple example, we can just choose the logShow function as the continuation, which will print the result of type Either ErrorCode Unit to the console:

import Prelude

import Control.Monad.Eff.Console (logShow)
import Control.Monad.Cont.Trans (runContT)

main =
    (copyFileCont "/tmp/1.txt" "/tmp/2.txt")


  1. (Easy) Use readFileCont and writeFileCont to write a function which concatenates two text files.

  2. (Medium) Use the FFI to give an appropriate type to the setTimeout function. Write a wrapper function which uses the Async monad:

    type Milliseconds = Int
    foreign import data TIMEOUT :: Effect
      :: forall eff
       . Milliseconds
      -> Async (timeout :: TIMEOUT | eff) Unit

Putting ExceptT To Work

This solution works, but it can be improved.

In the implementation of copyFileCont, we had to use pattern matching to analyze the result of the readFileCont computation (of type Either ErrorCode String) to determine what to do next. However, we know that the Either monad has a corresponding monad transformer, ExceptT, so it is reasonable to expect that we should be able to use ExceptT with ContT to combine the two effects of asynchronous computation and error handling.

In fact, it is possible, and we can see why if we look at the definition of ExceptT:

newtype ExceptT e m a = ExceptT (m (Either e a))

ExceptT simply changes the result of the underlying monad from a to Either e a. This means that we can rewrite copyFileCont by transforming our current monad stack with the ExceptT ErrorCode transformer. It is as simple as applying the ExceptT data constructor to our existing solution:

  :: forall eff
   . FilePath
  -> ExceptT ErrorCode (Async (fs :: FS | eff)) String
readFileContEx path = ExceptT $ readFileCont path

  :: forall eff
   . FilePath
  -> String
  -> ExceptT ErrorCode (Async (fs :: FS | eff)) Unit
writeFileContEx path text = ExceptT $ writeFileCont path text

Now, our copy-file routine is much simpler, since the asynchronous error handling is hidden inside the ExceptT monad transformer:

  :: forall eff
   . FilePath
  -> FilePath
  -> ExceptT ErrorCode (Async (fs :: FS | eff)) Unit
copyFileContEx src dest = do
  content <- readFileContEx src
  writeFileContEx dest content


  1. (Medium) Modify your solution which concatenated two files, using ExceptT to handle any errors.
  2. (Medium) Write a function concatenateMany to concatenate multiple text files, given an array of input file names. Hint: use traverse.

A HTTP Client

As another example of using ContT to handle asynchronous functions, we'll now look at the Network.HTTP.Client module from this chapter's source code. This module uses the Async monad to support asynchronous HTTP requests using the request module, which is available via NPM.

The request module provides a function which takes a URL and a callback, makes a HTTP(S) request and invokes the callback when the response is available, or in the event of an error. Here is an example request:

require('request')(''), function(err, _, body) {
  if (err) {
  } else {

We will recreate this simple example in PureScript using the Async monad.

In the Network.HTTP.Client module, the request method is wrapped with a function getImpl:

foreign import data HTTP :: Effect

type URI = String

foreign import getImpl
  :: forall eff
   . Fn3 URI
         (String -> Eff (http :: HTTP | eff) Unit)
         (String -> Eff (http :: HTTP | eff) Unit)
         (Eff (http :: HTTP | eff) Unit)
exports.getImpl = function(uri, done, fail) {
  return function() {
    require('request')(uri, function(err, _, body) {
      if (err) {
      } else {

Again, we can use the Data.Function.Uncurried module to turn this into a regular, curried PureScript function. As before, we turn the two callbacks into a single callback, this time accepting a value of type Either String String, and apply the ContT constructor to construct an action in our Async monad:

get :: forall eff.
  URI ->
  Async (http :: HTTP | eff) (Either String String)
get req = ContT \k ->
  runFn3 getImpl req (k <<< Right) (k <<< Left)


  1. (Easy) Use runContT to test get in PSCi, printing the result to the console.
  2. (Medium) Use ExceptT to write a function getEx which wraps get, as we did previously for readFileCont and writeFileCont.
  3. (Difficult) Write a function which saves the response body of a request to a file on disk using getEx and writeFileContEx.

Parallel Computations

We've seen how to use the ContT monad and do notation to compose asynchronous computations in sequence. It would also be useful to be able to compose asynchronous computations in parallel.

If we are using ContT to transform the Eff monad, then we can compute in parallel simply by initiating our two computations one after the other.

The parallel package defines a type class Parallel for monads like Async which support parallel execution. When we met applicative functors earlier in the book, we observed how applicative functors can be useful for combining parallel computations. In fact, an instance for Parallel defines a correspondence between a monad m (such as Async) and an applicative functor f which can be used to combine computations in parallel:

class (Monad m, Applicative f) <= Parallel f m | m -> f, f -> m where
  sequential :: forall a. f a -> m a
  parallel :: forall a. m a -> f a

The class defines two functions:

  • parallel, which takes computations in the monad m and turns them into computations in the applicative functor f, and
  • sequential, which performs a conversion in the opposite direction.

The parallel library provides a Parallel instance for the Async monad. It uses mutable references to combine Async actions in parallel, by keeping track of which of the two continuations has been called. When both results have been returned, we can compute the final result and pass it to the main continuation.

We can use the parallel function to create a version of our readFileCont action which can be combined in parallel. Here is a simple example which reads two text files in parallel, and concatenates and prints their results:

import Prelude
import Control.Apply (lift2)
import Control.Monad.Cont.Trans (runContT)
import Control.Monad.Eff.Console (logShow)
import Control.Monad.Parallel (parallel, sequential)

main = flip runContT logShow do
  sequential $
   lift2 append
     <$> parallel (readFileCont "/tmp/1.txt")
     <*> parallel (readFileCont "/tmp/2.txt")

Note that, since readFileCont returns a value of type Either ErrorCode String, we need to lift the append function over the Either type constructor using lift2 to form our combining function.

Because applicative functors support lifting of functions of arbitrary arity, we can perform more computations in parallel by using the applicative combinators. We can also benefit from all of the standard library functions which work with applicative functors, such as traverse and sequence!

We can also combine parallel computations with sequential portions of code, by using applicative combinators in a do notation block, or vice versa, using parallel and sequential to change type constructors where appropriate.


  1. (Easy) Use parallel and sequential to make two HTTP requests and collect their response bodies in parallel. Your combining function should concatenate the two response bodies, and your continuation should use print to print the result to the console.

  2. (Medium) The applicative functor which corresponds to Async is also an instance of Alternative. The <|> operator defined by this instance runs two computations in parallel, and returns the result from the computation which completes first.

    Use this Alternative instance in conjunction with your setTimeoutCont function to define a function

    timeout :: forall a eff
             . Milliseconds
            -> Async (timeout :: TIMEOUT | eff) a
            -> Async (timeout :: TIMEOUT | eff) (Maybe a)

    which returns Nothing if the specified computation does not provide a result within the given number of milliseconds.

  3. (Medium) parallel also provides instances of the Parallel class for several monad transformers, including ExceptT.

    Rewrite the parallel file IO example to use ExceptT for error handling, instead of lifting append with lift2. Your solution should use the ExceptT transformer to transform the Async monad.

    Use this approach to modify your concatenateMany function to read multiple input files in parallel.

  4. (Difficult, Extended) Suppose we are given a collection of JSON documents on disk, such that each document contains an array of references to other files on disk:

    { references: ['/tmp/1.json', '/tmp/2.json'] }

    Write a utility which takes a single filename as input, and spiders the JSON files on disk referenced transitively by that file, collecting a list of all referenced files.

    Your utility should use the foreign library to parse the JSON documents, and should fetch files referenced by a single file in parallel.


In this chapter, we have seen a practical demonstration of monad transformers:

  • We saw how the common JavaScript idiom of callback-passing can be captured by the ContT monad transformer.
  • We saw how the problem of callback hell can be solved by using do notation to express sequential asynchronous computations, and applicative functors to express parallelism.
  • We used ExceptT to express asynchronous errors.